Watch Find the Lady online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Find the Lady movie online for free. The movie Find the Lady has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the site. Two hoodlums, Trigger (Mickey Rooney) & Leo (Dick Emery) are hired by the unscrupulous J.K. (Peter Cook) to kidnap his niece Victoria (Alexandra Bastedo). The daughter of a wealthy businessman has been kidnapped, and the chief of police, under a lot of pressure to find her as soon as possible, assigns officers Kopek (John Candy) and Broom (Lawrence Dane) to track her down and bring her back safe and sound.
Year: 1976
Genre : Comedy
Runtime: 86 minutes
Release Date: 1976-11-11
Actors : John Candy, Mickey Rooney, Peter Cook, Lawrence Dane, Ed McNamara